Pursuant to the FMIT Personnel Policy, Section 2.1 Hiring preference shall be given in favor of qualified Fort Mojave Tribal Members. Section 2.11 (A) (1) Qualified Tribal Member Departmental employees shall be interviewed first (2) if a qualified Tribal Member Departmental employee is not available to fill the vacancy, then all other qualified Tribal Members, including qualified Tribal Members interested in a transfer in accordance with Section 3.4 (Transfers) shall be interviewed; (3) if a qualified Tribal Member is not available to fill the vacancy then qualified non-Tribal Member Departmental employees may be interviewed. (4) If a non-Tribal Member Departmental employee is not available to fill the vacancy then all other qualified non-Tribal Members including qualified non-Tribal Members interested in a transfer in accordance with Section 3.4 (Transfers) may be interviewed. If there are any questions regarding applying and/or interviewing contact Human Resources Department.

Complete job announcements, job descriptions and applications are available at the Human Resources Department.   Note: All applications must be filled out completely and must be legible or they will not be processed.

Applications can be dropped off at our Human Resources office or emailed to HR@fortmojave.com.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE:  All newly hired employees will be required to pass a pre-employment drug screening.  All positions will require a thorough background screening.  Additional information may be obtained at the Fort Mojave Human Resources Department in the Administrative Building.


Department: Anya Itpak Elementary School
Position: Special Education Teacher
Closes: Open until filled
Salary: DOE

Department: FMTUA
Position: Water Treatment/Distribution Operations Supervisor
Closes: Open until filled
Salary: DOE


Department:  Aha Macav Housing Entity
PositionTenant Occupancy Specialist
Closes: Open until filled
Salary: DOE

Department: Human Resources
PositionTEMPORARY Front Desk Receptionist
Closes: Open until filled
Salary: DOE

Department: Anya Itpak Elementary School
Position: Substitute Teacher (1)
Closes: Open until filled
Salary: DOE

Department: Anya Itpak Elementary School
Position: STEAM Teacher
Closes: Open until filled
Salary: DOE

Department:  Public Relations
Position: Public Relations Director
Closes: Open until filled
Salary: DOE

Department: Health Center
Position: Staff Physician
Closes: Open until filled
Salary: DOE

Department: Health Center
Position: Community Health Nurse
Closes: Open until filled
Salary: DOE

Department: Health Center
Position: Medical Records Technician
Closes: Open until filled
Salary: DOE

Department: Wellness Center
Position: Registered Dietitian/Nutrition/Food Service Manager
Closes: Open until filled
Salary: DOE

Department: Spirit Mountain Casino

F&B Attendant F/T
Players Club-F/T and P/T
Security Supervisor

Closes: Open until filled
Salary: DOE

Department: Law Enforcement
Position: Police Officer
Job Application: Complete and Return to HR@fortmojave.com
: Open until filled
Salary: DOE

Department: Law Enforcement
Position: 911 Dispatcher
Job Application: Complete and Return to HR@fortmojave.com
: Open until filled
Salary: DOE


Human Resources Team

HR Director
Vicki L. Goetter

HR Specialist
Kathy Williams

HR Coordinator
Angela Rios-Howard

Front Desk Receptionist
Tori Andrews


500 Merriman Avenue, Needles, CA 92363

Phone: (760) 629-6147

Fax: (760) 629-2322


8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday

Closed for lunch - 12PM to 1PM