The purpose of our department is to provide for the human and social well-being and advancement of the members of Indian Tribes.


  • Adult, Elderly & Disabled
    1. Protective Services for Adult, Elderly & Disabled individuals
    2. Assistance with locating Adult Group Homes or Home Health Care Facilities
    3. Counsel and/or support to Caregivers of the Elderly or Disabled
  • Child Welfare
    1. Child Protective Services
    2. ICWA (Indian Child Welfare Act)
  • Foster Care
    1. Budget Assistance
    2. Parenting Classes
    3. Respite Care
    4. Foster Care
    5. Residential Care
    6. Transportation
    7. Clothing Assistance
  • General Assistance
    1. Emergency Assistance (BIA)
    2. General Assistance Program (Tribal)
    3. Burial Assistance (BIA/TRIBAL)
    4. LIHEAP (Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program)
    5. IIM Account Supervision
  • Referrals to appropriate agencies


ALL HUMAN SERVICE PROGRAMS (Adult & Elderly, Child Welfare, Foster Care and General Assistance):

  • Must be a member of a Federally Recognized Tribe
  • Not have sufficient resources to meet the essential need items defined by the Bureau Standards of Assistance
  • Reside in the Service Area as determined by the Assistant Secretary
  • Meet the additional eligibility criteria for each of the specific programs of financial assistance or social services

ADDITIONAL CRITERIA REQUIRED FOR THE FOLLOWING PROGRAMS[Adult Assistance, Child Assistance, General Assistance (BIA), General Assistance Program (TRIBAL), Burial Assistance (TRIBAL), Emergency Assistance (BIA), Burial Assistance (BIA), LIHEAP (Northern California Indian Development Council, Inc.)]

Adult Assistance

  • You must be unable to meet the basic needs, including non-medical care and or protection, with your own resources
  • You must not require intermediate or skilled nursing care
  • You or someone acting on your behalf must submit an application form to the social worker
  • The Bureau will determine eligibility based upon the income and available resources of the person named in the application
  • Upon approval by the Bureau Line Officer, payment will be approved under purchase of service agreements for adult care provided in state or tribally licensed or certified group settings, or by individual service providers licensed or certified for homemaker services
  • The approved payment for adult care assistance will not exceed the applicable state payment rate for similar care

Child Assistance

  • The child’s legally responsible parent, custodian/guardian, or Indian court having jurisdiction must: Request assistance under this part in writing, State that they are unable to provide necessary care and guidance for the child, or to provide for the child’s special needs in his/her own home and provide documented social services assessment from the social worker of whether parent(s), custodian, guardian(s) are able to care for their child
  • All income accruing to the child except income exempted by federal statute, must be used to meet the cost of special needs, foster home or residential care facility as authorized and arranged by Social Services

General Assistance (BIA):

  • Apply for financial assistance from other, state, tribal, county, local or other federal agency programs for which he/she may be eligible
  • Not receive any comparable public assistance
  • Develop and sign an ISP (Individual Self-Sufficiency Plan) to meet the goal of seeking employment and job readiness

General Assistance Program (TRIBAL):

Program Assistance may be provided to an Applicant who:

  • Is qualified to receive Assistance based on financial and non-financial Eligibility criteria.
  • Is approved to receive Assistance no more frequently than once every twelve (12) month period (for example, if an individual receives any amount of Assistance on March 5, 2011, the individual would not be eligible to receive any additional Assistance until March 5, 2012, even if the amount of Assistance received on March 5, 2011 was less than the two hundred dollar ($200.00) maximum.
  • Provides a Social Security Number (SSN), unless the Applicant is a minor, then the parent or guardian must provide their SSN and the minor’s SSN upon issuance of a SSN but not later than ninety (90) calendar days after receipt of Assistance.
  • Demonstrates a short-term need that is directly related to an Emergency and cannot be met immediately by his or her own income or resources or by any other means.
  • Provides a written application for Assistance to the Social Services Department Director which shows that the requirements of this Program have been satisfied.
  • Satisfies at least one of the following:

(1) Is an enrolled member of the Fort Mojave Indian Tribe on December 15, 2010; or

(2) Is an enrolled member of the Fort Mojave Indian Tribe for a period of sixty (60) consecutive months or more prior to the date on which the completed application for Assistance under this Program is submitted.

  • Failure to provide requested information or a complete application may result in denial.
  • Available to Fort Mojave Tribal Members Only

Burial Assistance (TRIBAL)

  • Eligibility determined by Administration Department
  • Request must be submitted to Administration Department
  • Available to Fort Mojave Tribal Members Only

Emergency Assistance (BIA)

  • Documentation verifying burnout, flood or other destruction of the home and loss or damage to personal possessions
  • The Bureau will make a payment only for essential needs and other non-medical necessities
  • The approved payment will not exceed the Bureau’s maximum Emergency Assistance payment standard established by the Assistant Secretary

Burial Assistance (BIA)

  • Application must be submitted within 30 days following death by a relative of the deceased
  • Eligibility is determined based on income and resources available to the deceased which includes but is not limited to SSI, Veterans Death benefits, Social Security and Indian Individual Money (IIM) Accounts. Determination of need will be accomplished on a case by case basis using the Bureau payment standard
  • The approved payment will not exceed the Bureau’s maximum burial payment standard established by the Assistant Secretary.

LIHEAP: Northern California Indian Development Council, Inc. (NCIDC)

Applicant Requirements:

  • Must be a registered FMIT Member who is 18 years of age or older. You must provide a copy of your Tribal ID.
  • ALL MONTHLY HOUSEHOLD INCOME must be provided (i.e. regular wages, Tribal Distribution, SSI, TANF, AFDC, Unemployment, Child Support, etc.).
  • Assistance is provided for Electric or gas and ONLY past due amounts will be considered.
  • Applicant must reside in the household address listed on the energy bill; however, the applicant may accept responsibility for another’s utility bill by signing the “Responsibility Statement Form”. Complete two forms ONLY if there are two separate bills.
  • A maximum benefit amount is determined per Fiscal Year pending the NCIDC LIHEAP Grant.
  • During a fiscal year, multiple LIHEAP applications must be submitted to NCIDC under the same Tribal member’s name, number, address and information.
  • There is a MANDATORY one month (30 day) waiting period between LIHEAP applications; however, one application may contain two bills as long as it does not exceed the MAXIMUM FISCAL YEAR BENEFIT AMOUNT.
  • The LIHEAP Intake Worker may provide a recommendation to NCIDC; however the final pledged amount is determined by NCIDC.
  • PLEASE NOTE: The utility company will only accept an AWARD Letter from NCIDC.  It is your responsibility to contact the Utility Company to make arrangements to avoid disconnection of service.


  • Cultural Awareness Event
  • Child Abuse Awareness Event
  • Boys & Girls Club National Kids Day
  • Mojave Days
  • Children’s Halloween Carnival
  • Trunk or Treat
  • Needles Community Health Fair
  • Other Tribal Events

Please note: Events are held throughout the year. Please contact Fort Mojave Social Services for current date, time and location of events.


Physical Address



Phone & Hours

PHONE: (928) 346-1550
FAX: (928) 346-1552

TOLL_FREE: (866) 346-6010

HOURS: 8AM-12PM & 1PM-5PM; M-F / Closed for lunch from 12pm-1pm

Mailing Address